What Industry are You in?

Natural History Museum

Museums are often viewed through a simplistic lens, categorized as nonprofit institutions dedicated to preserving culture and history. While this label fits neatly into a traditional understanding, it fails to encapsulate the multifaceted roles museums play in today’s society. The question “What industry are you in?” invites a deeper exploration of the identity and purpose … Read more

What is Good Museum Architecture?

An elegant staircase inside a museum, highlighted by a patterned light ceiling and colorful abstract mural on the wall

We’re unveiling Sketches for a National Museum of History, a book exploring the potential of museum architecture through sketches and concepts from Berlage Institute researchers, along with essays by architectural thinkers Kenneth Frampton and Hans Ibelings. It features bold designs from European firms 51N4E, Baukuh, and Monadnock, challenging traditional museum architecture. Let us talk about … Read more